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[Training] 2024 Academy drill videos
Fortnight starting January 2nd
Academy plan - Fortnight beginning January 2nd
Shooting - partner drops (0:45)
Shooting - 1,2 step in (0:55)
Shooting - partner pass reactions (0:45)
Shooting - hops off backwards run (1:01)
Wide stance BH - v + cross (0:40)
Wide stance BH - BTL continuous (0:15)
Wide stance BH - CTB continuous (0:15)
Wide stance BH - BTL + jab (0:35)
Wide stance BH - drop + thru + reset (0:33)
Wide stance BH - drop + thru continuous (0:47)
Slow BTL (0:55)
Slow BTL + cross (0:40)
Slow BTL + reset step + turn dribble (1:32)
Slow BTL + reset step + turn dribble + BTL (1:43)
Misdirection BTL (1:11)
Finishing - spins (0:53)
Finishing - spin + step through (1:13)
Finishing - spin + step through + step around (0:39)
Finishing - power stops (0:44)
Slow BTL - 1 on 1 (1:15)
Fortnight starting January 15th
Spin + reverse pivot (1:30)
Spin + reverse pivot + hook shot (0:51)
Spin + reverse pivot + step in (1:14)
Spin + reverse pivot + step through (1:25)
Spin + swing step (1:20)
Spin + cross jab (0:55)
Spin + cross jab - full demonstration (0:24)
Spin + cross jab + euro step (1:35)
Tennis balls - put together with the previous driving/finishing options (0:53)
Shooting - roll ups (0:58)
Shooting - quick drops (1:23)
Week starting January 29th
Collision catches + 1, 2, off through (0:46)
Shooting - 1 position pull in (1:17)
Shooting - 1 position pull in (1:17)
Shooting - 1 position pull in with reverse pivot (1:03)
Shooting - Partner reaction (0:36)
Finishing - No dribble extended finishes (1:31)
Finishing - 1 hand pick up (1:15)
Finishing - 2 hand outside foot pick up, outside hand finish (0:53)
Finishing - 2 hand outside foot pick up, inside hand finish (1:08)
Finishing - 2 hand inside foot pick up, outside hand finish (delayed finish) (1:00)
Finishing - 2 hand inside foot pick up, reverse finish (0:50)
Ball Handlling - Turn dribble, partial step (2:20)
Ball Handling - Continuous turn dribble and partial step with drags (0:56)
Turn dribble, partial step, pull up (0:58)
Turn dribble, partial step, drive (1:10)
Turn dribble, partial step, crossover (0:50)
Turn dribble, partial step, drag + foot switch (1:19)
Turn dribble, partial step, lift + skip (1:04)
Rip light reads (2:07)
Turn dribble + partial step 1v1 (0:55)
Week starting February 5th
Academy plan - term 1 week 2 (2)
Ball Handling - Shifting weight (2:29)
Finishing - 2 steps with wide pick up (0:36)
Finishing - 2 step high pick up (0:29)
Finishing - 2 step low pick up (0:46)
Finishing - euro step options (3:02)
Finishing - swing step + high pick up (1:40)
Finishing - swing step + low pick up (0:32)
Finishing 2 step reads (1:06)
Finishing - swing step read (1:00)
Shooting - Roll up (0:37)
Shooting - Drop (0:30)
Shooting - Competitive box shooting (1:07)
Live 1 on 1 - Left hand only (1:13)
1v1 defence off the hip (0:39)
Week starting February 12th
NL academy week 3 term 1 2024 plan
Ball Handling - Shifting weight (2:29)
V-dribble, cross (0:40)
Continuous BTL (0:15)
BTL, jab (0:35)
Cross, through, behind (0:15)
Drop, through, reset (0:33)
Drop, through, continuous (0:47)
Power finishes through contact (1:06)
1 step finish separating from contact (1:29)
Partner contact drives (1:08)
Bound into go (1:21)
Bound, cross (0:55)
Bound into jumpshot (0:58)
Bound with Riplight read (0:58)
Bound 1v1 (1:12)
Week starting February 19th
Rhythm ball handling (4:03)
Shooting - One hand flow (0:42)
Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (1:20)
Cone slides (1:03)
Power finishes through contact (1:06)
Power stop + step through (1:10)
Tennis ball reads (1:33)
Elbow 1 on 1 (1:17)
Split BTL constrained 1 on 1 (1:14)
Week starting February 26th
Academy Plan - Term 1 Week 5
Ball manipulation - 1, 2, Pocket (0:17)
Ball manipulation - 1, 2, Pocket, Thru (0:35)
Ball manipulation - 1 2 BTB (0:30)
Shooting - 1, 2, relax, thru (1:20)
Shooting - guide hand slides (0:30)
Box pushes into power finish (1:34)
Power stop + step around (0:43)
Power stop + forward pivot + step through (1:10)
Cone slides + hip rotation BTL + 1 step layup (2:37)
Drops & Split BTL + speed stops (1:02)
Speed stop into drop and drive (0:28)
Speed stop into drop and through (0:23)
Speed stop into drop and jumpshot (0:24)
Riplight reads - speed stops (1:28)
1v1 - Defender on hip (0:35)
Week starting March 4th
Academy plan - Term 1 week 6.docx (2)
1 on 1 tip (0:54)
1 on 1 ball protection (0:58)
Shooting - 1,2 step ins (0:55)
Shooting - Hops (1:03)
Shooting - partner reactions (0:45)
Retreat - Drop & go (coaching) (1:04)
Retreat - Drop + BTL (1:28)
Retreat - Combo + shot (0:46)
Retreat - Rip light read (1:01)
Retreat 1v1 (1:07)
Week starting March 11th
Academy plan - term 1 week 7
Shooting - 1-2 ball drop game (0:56)
Shooting - Hand down reaction (0:40)
Active inside arm drives - 2 dribble, 1 step (1:09)
2 dribble, 1 step (coaching) (2:07)
Active inside arm - Crossover + 1 dribble, 2 steps (0:41)
1 dribble, 2 steps (coaching) (2:14)
Active inside arm - Read & react (0:39)
Heavy step - Breakdown (1:33)
Heavy step - Breakdown open stance (0:27)
Heavy step - Breakdown split BTL (0:18)
Heavy step - Go (0:34)
Heavy step - Split BTL (1:09)
Heavy step - Shot (0:40)
1v1 - Heavy step (1:23)
Week starting March 18th
Academy plan - term 1 week 8
Bump finishes - split & through (0:30)
Bump finishes - step & sweep (0:18)
Bump finishes - push cross (0:35)
Shooting - Wrap thru (0:31)
Shooting - Competitive wrap thru (0:41)
Cross step - go (0:32)
Cross step - go (coaching) (1:46)
Cross step - sweep (0:35)
Cross step - sweep (coaching) (2:28)
Cross step - spin (0:34)
Triple threat defense - guard the lead foot (1:28)
1v1 - Cross step (0:54)
Week starting March 25th
NL plan Final Week Term 1 2024
Shooting - Scoops (0:55)
Shooting - Contested Triangle Shooting (1:00)
Active inside arm drives - 2 dribble, 1 step (1:09)
Active inside arm - Crossover + 1 dribble, 2 steps (0:41)
Active inside arm - Read & react (0:39)
Alley 1v1 (0:47)
Block 1v1 (1:01)
Cone 1v1 (1:17)
Baseline 1v1 (0:50)
Wing denied 1v1 (1:17)
Week starting April 2nd
Academy Holiday Plan Week 1
Maravich tap ups (0:58)
Continous pockets with med ball pick up (1:44)
Med ball switches - crossover (1:19)
Med ball switch - V-dribble + crossover (1:01)
Slam shooting - 1, 2, relax or off, through (1:06)
Slam shooting - hop + foot replace (0:52)
Slam shooting - inside, outside step in (0:58)
Slam shooting - Step back (0:49)
Dribble & motion step accountability (2:58)
Motion steps out of crossover (1:48)
Load step into push crossover (1:02)
Alley 1v1 (0:47)
Camps April 2024
Partner bumps (pick a line to fight over) (0:51)
Slow ball handling under pressure (1:53)
Med ball pick up + 1 step layup (0:23)
Blocking stick reactions (coach trying to steal NOT player grabbing it) (0:39)
Power finishes (0:44)
Power stop + step through (1:10)
Finishing extending away from contact (1:29)
Med ball snatches (do the same in this video but with the medicine ball, 3 players per group) (0:44)
Rip light ball handling (0:43)
Bound + go (1:21)
Bound + cross (0:55)
Bound rip light read (0:58)
Bounds live 1 on 1 (1:12)
Step & sweep (footwork only, finish how they wish) (0:52)
Side jab (footwork only, finish how they wish) (0:44)
Live 1 on 1 off wing denial (1:17)
Shooting - 1,2 Relax Thru (1:20)
Shooting - quick drops (1:23)
Shooting - 1,2 step in (0:55)
Week starting April 8th
Box rhythm ball handling (1:18)
Med ball pick up + 1 step finish (0:23)
Med ball pick ups + reverse layups (1:03)
Off hand reaction drives (0:39)
Shooting - one hand flow (0:42)
Shooting - speed stop + lifts (0:46)
Competitive box shooting (1:07)
1v1 - Split BTL continuous (1:14)
Week starting April 14th
Bumps (0:51)
Box rhythm ball handling (1:18)
Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:09)
Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:00)
Guide hand taps (2:42)
Split catch + 1 step layup (0:50)
Split catch + throwdown (0:53)
Live 1 on 1 - ball on back (1:09)
Week starting April 21st
Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:09)
Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:00)
Box shooting - 1,2 step in (0:59)
Box shooting - reverse pivot (1:02)
Shot fake + step & sweep (0:42)
Shot fake + throwdown (1:03)
Front of the ring finish (do the finish only with the other shot fake options above) (0:49)
Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
Live 1 on 1 - shot fakes & closeouts (0:53)
Week starting April 29th
Vitamins - Weak hand ball handling (0:57)
Shooting - Competitive shooting after bump (1:09)
Finishing - Split catch + reverse layups (2:48)
Read & react - Shoot or drive (0:48)
1v1 - Corner closeout (1:24)
Week starting May 6th
No Limits Basketball Academy Plan - May 6th
Vitamins - Weak hand ball handling (0:57)
Vitamins - Bumps (0:51)
Vitamins - Box 1 step variation (1:27)
Vitamins - Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:00)
Vitamins - Box hit + 1 step layup, inside hand (weak hand only) (1:09)
Movement shooting - Handoff (curl V flare) (2:07)
Movement shooting - Handoff 1v1 (1:25)
Crossover bounds - under hand finish (1:49)
Crossover bounds - swing step counter (1:20)
Crossover bounds - crossover into under hand finish (0:24)
Crossover bounds - crossover into swing step finish (0:48)
Crossover bounds 1v1 (1:11)
Week Starting May 13th
Academy Plan - Term 2 Week 5
Vitamins - Weak hand ball handling (0:57)
Vitamins - Bumps (0:51)
Vitamins - Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:00)
Vitamins - Box hit + 1 step layup, inside hand (weak hand only) (1:09)
Shooting - 3x off hand dribble + scoop OR split BTL + scoop (0:53)
Shooting - 2 dribble + split BTL (0:34)
Shooting - Competitive scoop shooting (0:26)
Triple threat - Jab + go (0:39)
Triple threat - Cross jab + sweep (0:36)
Triple threat - Jab + crossover bound (0:41)
Triple threat - Cross jab + crossover bound (0:16)
Triple threat - Riplight read (0:50)
Speed stop finish - Step-through (0:42)
Speed stop finish - step around (0:34)
Speed stop finish - Reverse pivot (spin) (0:16)
1v1 - Triple threat (0:39)
Week starting May 20th
One hand flow shooting (vitamins) (0:53)
Rip light reactions (vitamins) (1:15)
Chasing finishes (vitamins) (1:08)
Med ball tosses - pound dribble (0:50)
Med ball tosses - crossovers (0:26)
Med ball tosses - between (0:17)
Med ball tosses - behind (0:18)
Cone stacks (1:01)
Delayed drops (1:11)
Shooting - partner slides (0:58)
Shooting - partner drops (1:12)
Cone 1v1 (1:17)
Pocket series - 1,2 (0:39)
Pockets series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
1,2 Pocket Thru (0:41)
Fast vs Slow during sessions (0:32)
Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
Power finishes with contact (1:08)
Power stop + step around (0:43)
Power stop + step through (1:10)
Live 1 on 1 - Left hand only (1:13)
Week starting May 27th
One hand flow shooting (vitamins) (0:53)
Rip light reactions (vitamins) (1:15)
Chasing finishes (vitamins) (1:08)
Box rhythm ball handling (1:18)
Rip light reactions - speed stops (1:16)
Rip light reactions - hit on finish (0:53)
Shooting - partner slides (0:58)
Shooting - partner drops (1:12)
Icing your defender (2:01)
Pocket series - 1,2 (0:39)
Pockets series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket Thru (0:41)
Fast vs Slow during sessions (0:32)
Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
Power finishes with contact (1:08)
Power stop + step around (0:43)
Power stop + step through (1:10)
Live 1 on 1 - Left hand only (1:13)
Week starting June 3rd
Week starting June 3rd plan
Vitamins - One hand flow shooting (0:53)
Vitamins - Rip light reactions (1:15)
Vitamins - Chasing finishes (1:08)
Shooting - Box shooting (1:01)
Shooting - Shot fake (1:27)
Downhill - Hesitation (0:49)
Downhill - In & out (0:25)
Downhill - Push cross (0:32)
Downhill - Hesitation or in & out into BTB (1:00)
Downhill - Cross jab (0:23)
Finishing - Spin (0:48)
Finishing - Euro step (0:56)
Finishing - Pinoy step (0:37)
1v1 Downhill (0:08)
Week starting June 10th
Vitamins - One hand flow shooting (0:53)
Vitamins - Rip light reactions (1:15)
Vitamins - Chasing finishes (1:08)
Pass fake shooting (1:03)
Back pedal partner shooting (0:50)
Inverted skip + drop - footwork breakdown on the spot (1:26)
Inverted skip + drop - cone hit & speed stop (0:51)
Inverted skip + drop - one dribble to the ring (0:44)
Inverted skip + drop - running into it (0:36)
Inverted skip + drop + BTL (0:28)
Inverted skip + drop - read (1:03)
Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
Cross jab + BTL (0:51)
Cross jab - read (0:29)
Week starting June 17th
Vitamins - One hand flow shooting (0:53)
Vitamins - Rip light reactions (1:15)
Vitamins - Chasing finishes
Shooting - Roll out & sprint (0:55)
Shooting Roll out & curl (0:50)
Punch drag + delayed drop (0:53)
Punch Drag + Split BTL (0:26)
Punch drag + inside out (0:47)
Week starting June 24th
Competitive rip light reactions (0:39)
Shooting - 1,2 off a turn (0:53)
Shooting - One dribble pull up (0:52)
Contact driving (0:56)
Reaction finishes (0:53)
Competitive finishing - 1 step, outside hand (0:39)
Competitive finishing - bumps + opposite side (0:34)
Live 1 on 1 - competitive shooting (0:55)
Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
July domestic camps
Chasing finishes
Finishing - 1 step outside hand (1:00)
Finishing - 1 step inside hand (1:09)
Finishing - Euro step (0:56)
Finishing - Spin (0:48)
Finishing - competitive bumps (0:34)
Ball handling - Drops & Split BTL (1:02)
Ball handling - Dribble Step Timing (DST) (1:14)
Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 (0:39)
Ball handling - Pocket series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket, Thru (0:41)
Stutter step + Drop/BTL read (change player running in + stutter, layup, 2 lines with players giving reads) (1:04)
Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
Cross jab + BTL (0:51)
Inside out (ignore finish) (1:15)
Inside out + BTL (ignore finish) (1:24)
Live 1 on 1 - Downhill (0:08)
Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (could do this or off then on) (1:20)
Shooting - One hand flow (0:53)
Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
Shooting - 1,2 off a turn (down screen) (0:53)
Shooting - One dribble pull up (down screen) (0:52)
Shooting - Forwards / backwards hops (2:28)
Shooting - partner leans (2:28)
Week starting July 15th
Academy Plan July 15th
Competitive finishing - 1 step, outside hand (0:40)
Competitive finishing - bumps + opposite side (0:34)
Box shooting - 1,2 step in (0:59)
Box shooting - reverse pivot (1:02)
Jab + Go (1:32)
Jab + Attack Opposite (0:40)
Shot fake + throwdown (1:03)
Shimmy jab + 1 step layup (0:58)
Alley 1v1 (0:47)
Triple threat 1v1 (0:42)
Week starting July 22nd
Academy Plan July 22nd
Competitive ball handling (CBH) - Cross, cross, between (0:32)
CBH - accountability (cone touch) (0:35)
CBH - weight shift (0:47)
CBH - Between, between, behind (0:22)
CBH - Behind, behind, backwards between (0:43)
CBH - Cross or behind, double between (0:21)
CBH - Same side backwards between, behind (0:23)
CBH - Jolt cross or jolt between (0:56)
Shooting - step ins (0:52)
Shooting - Dribble pull ups (0:49)
Shooting - Contested Triangle Shooting (1:00)
Driving & finishing - Cross jab + sweep (1:17)
Driving & finishing - Cross jab + go (0:33)
Driving & finishing - Weight shift stutter (1:01)
Driving & finishing - Stutter throwdown (1:02)
Live 1 on 1 - Constrained triple threat (1:34)
Week starting July 29th
Alley drill + focus points (1:51)
On ball defence coaching (0:41)
Spin + power finish (1:23)
Dealing with pressure - spin (1:06)
Dealing with pressure - Middle jab + sweep (1:10)
Dealing with pressure - retreat dribble + drop (0:58)
Dealing with pressure - spin + BTB drag + shot (0:53)
Dealing with pressure - Spin + BTB drag + foot switch (1:26)
Shooting - drops (0:40)
Shooting - turn + wrap (0:52)
Live 1 on 1 - off turned stance (0:52)
Week starting August 5th
Alley drill + focus points (1:51)
Spin + power finish (1:23)
Spin + step through (0:38)
Spin + reverse pivot (0:20)
Rip light read - spins (0:50)
Spin read - Coach using pad (0:37)
Spin + crossover drag + shot (or on the spot for weaker groups) (1:00)
Spin + crossover drag + foot switch (1:08)
Spin + crossover drag + BTL (1:05)
Rip light read - spin + drag (any dribble move into it) (1:13)
Retreat dribble + drop (0:58)
Retreat dribble + drop + BTL (0:39)
Rip light read - retreat dribble + drop (0:45)
Week starting August 12th
NL plan AUG 12
Defensive races (1:31)
Covering jabs and bumps (1:37)
Alley drill + focus points (1:51)
Spin + power finish (1:23)
Spin + step through (0:38)
Spin + reverse pivot (0:20)
Rip light read - spins (0:50)
Spin read - Coach using pad (0:37)
Slow BTL (1:20)
Coaching point - SLOW BTL plus SLOW BTL THROUGH (1:16)
Slow BTL - through into drag and shot (0:54)
Slow BTL - spin into exchange (0:57)
Cross through 1v1 (0:52)
Week starting August 19th
Defensive races (1:31)
Covering jabs + bumps (1:51)
Floaters (1:08)
Split catch + go (0:43)
Split catch + throwdown (0:59)
Split catch + shot fake + go/throwdown (0:45)
1,2,Relax,Thru (0:50)
Roll ups (0:42)
Partner shooting (0:43)
Partner leans (2:28)
Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
Live 1 on 1 coaching (0:53)
Week starting August 26th
Academy Plan - Term 3 Week 7
Partner Drops (0:59)
Rip Light Pull-Ups (0:51)
One Dribble Contact Defence (1:08)
Alley drill + focus points (1:51)
Hop Steps (1:12)
Hop Steps (Advanced Progression) (0:23)
Spin Seal and Go (1:20)
Spin Seal and Counter (1:02)
Spin Seal, Go and Drag (0:32)
Exchange and Spin Seal (Advanced Progression) (1:37)
Turned Stance off Live Dribble 1v1 (0:56)
Week starting September 2nd
Competitive bumps (0:34)
Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
Live 1 on 1 coaching (0:53)
Partner shooting (away from ring) (0:43)
Partner shooting (at ring) (0:45)
Shooting off a flare - One dribble pull up (0:52)
Shooting off a flare - shot fake + shot (1:09)
Shooting off a flare - Throwdown + step back (0:42)
Change of pace ball handling (4:03)
Slow dribbling under pressure (1:12)
Off hand swipes - reads (1:24)
Retreats (0:56)
Live 1 on 1 off the hip (1:18)
Week starting September 9th
Competitive med ball hits (0:54)
Off hand swipe reactions + 1 step finish (0:49)
Chasing finishes (0:41)
Bound + go (1:00)
Bound + react (0:56)
Competitive triangle shooting (0:47)
Speed stops + scoops (break down with lifts too if you wish) (1:24)
Gate drill (0:51)
Live 1 on 1 off a bounds (0:47)
Week starting September 16th
Academy Plan Sep 16th
Shooting - drops (0:40)
BTW wraps (0:47)
Lunge shooting (0:41)
Closeout contested shooting (1:17)
Closeout defence coaching (0:34)
Closeout defence (1:21)
Drag footwork coaching (0:30)
Drag and Replace (1:01)
Drag + replace + through (0:44)
September domestic camps
Change of pace ball handling (4:03)
Slow dribbling under pressure (1:12)
Off hand swipes - reads (1:24)
Retreats (0:56)
Live 1 on 1 off the hip (1:18)
Defence - chase downs (1:31)
Defence - bumps (1:51)
Defence - alley drill (1:51)
Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
Power finishes (0:44)
Jump stop + step through (0:34)
Jump stop + step around (0:34)
Jump stop + reverse pivot (0:33)
1:1 off the hip (1:19)
Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (1:20)
Shooting - Roll ups (0:42)
Shooting - speed stops (break down with lifts if you wish) (1:24)
September skills clinics
Defence - Cone cut offs (1:31)
Defence - bumps (1:51)
Defence - 1 or 2 dribbles + gate drill (0:51)
Defence - alley drill (1:51)
Block 1:1 (0:50)
Closeout 1:1 (1:04)
Middle jab + step & sweep (1:10)
Middle jab + throwdown (0:42)
Cross jab + spin (0:41)
1:1 off triple threat (0:59)
Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (could do this or off then on) (1:20)
Shooting - One hand flow (0:53)
Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
Shooting - sway breakdown (0:43)
Shooting - Forwards / backwards hops (2:28)
Shooting - Speed stops + scoops (break down with lifts too if you wish) (1:24)
Shooting - competitive speed stops (0:47)
Shooting - 1,2 off a turn (0:55)
Shooting - hops off a turn (1:03)
Shooting - off a turn (competitive) (0:38)
Shooting - partner slides (0:58)
Shooting - partner slides (competitive) (0:47)
Drops & Split BTL (1:02)
Dribble Step Timing (DST) (1:14)
Dealing with pressure - Off hand swipe reads (1:24)
Dealing with pressure - Retreats + go (0:56)
Dealing with pressure - Retreat dribble + BTL (0:39)
Competitive bumps - on the spot (0:51)
Competitive bumps - to the ring (0:34)
Power finishes (0:44)
Spin + power finish (1:23)
Spin + step through (0:38)
Spin + reverse pivot (0:20)
Live 1 on 1 - off turned stance (0:52)
Spin + step around (0:41)
1:1 off the hip (0:44)
September rep camp
Jump stop + step through (0:34)
Jump stop + step around (0:34)
Jump stop + reverse pivot (0:33)
Contact driving option #1 (1:08)
Contact driving option #2 (0:56)
Contact driving option #3 (1:08)
Block 1:1 (0:50)
1:1 off the hip (1:19)
Defence - bumps (1:51)
Ball handling - competitive off hand rips (0:23)
Defence - Kobe drill (repeat to guard all players in your group before switching) (1:51)
Ball handling - competitive off hand rips (0:46)
1:1 off a closeout (1:04)
Change of pace ball handling (4:03)
Slow dribbling under pressure (1:12)
Off hand swipes - reads (1:24)
Retreats (0:56)
Drag footwork coaching (0:30)
Drag and Replace (1:01)
Drag + replace + through (0:44)
Shooting - 1 position pull in (1:18)
Shooting - partner leans (balance option) (2:28)
Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (release option) (1:20)
Shooting - roll ups (rhythm option) (0:58)
Week starting October 7th
Rip light ball handling (0:42)
Foam roller graps - same direction (0:54)
Foam roller - reactions (0:26)
Speed stops + lifts (1:18)
Speed stop + exchange (1:14)
Speed stop exchange - coaching (0:45)
Reaction 1 on 1 (0:49)
1 step extended finishes (0:20)
Extended finishes - competitive (0:33)
Euro step finishes (0:42)
Live 1:1 against recovering defender (emphasise 1 step or euro read) (0:37)
Step back / retreat shooting (1:26)
Week starting October 14th
Tennis ball reactions (1:17)
Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (1:20)
Shots off a turn (0:36)
Shot fake + speed stop (1:15)
Live 1 on 1 off a close out (1:03)
Stutter step break down - BTL only (0:56)
Stutter step break down - BTL + cross (0:33)
Foam roller reactions - same BTL + cross (1:13)
Coach reactions - same BTL + cross (1:00)
BTL + cross + stepback (0:32)
Live 1 on 1 downhill - BTL + cross read (0:52)
Week starting October 21st
Baseline drives - reverse (1:24)
Shoulders low (box accountability) (0:41)
Baseline drives - spin (1:05)
Baseline drives - box read (1:08)
Shooting - turn (split thru) (0:50)
Dribble jab + go (1:46)
Dribble jab + dig (0:35)
Dribble jab + thru (1:01)
Dribble jab + coach read (2:06)
Live 1on1 (1:56)
Week starting October 28th
Shooting - Shotgun Shots (0:41)
Shooting - Drop into shot (0:45)
Drop - Rip light reads with motion steps (1:32)
Drop - Rip light reads (0:51)
Scissor step - Go (0:35)
Scissor step - Cross (0:47)
1v1 - Closeout after drop (1:15)
1v1 - Drop (0:56)
Week starting November 4th
BH series - pockets (0:31)
BH series - 1,2 wide cross (0:14)
BH series - 1,2 Pocket, Thru (0:15)
BH series - 1,2 Behind (0:24)
Flow shooting - one hand (0:27)
Flow shooting - partner slides (0:58)
Flow shooting - bounds (0:42)
Flow shooting - misdirections (0:40)
Contact - loose ball drill (0:52)
Power finishes (0:44)
Contact driving - box push + power finish (0:35)
Contact driving - power finishes 1 on 1 (0:33)
Finishing - Jump stop + step through (0:34)
Finishing - Jump stop + step around (0:34)
Live 1 on 1 - behind the backboard (0:44)
Live 1 on 1 - defence recovering (1:03)
Week starting November 11th
2 Step Explosions (4:26)
2 Step Explosions (creative drill) (1:35)
Cross Step Jab Series - Go (3:36)
Cross Step Jab Series - Sweep (2:26)
Cross Step Jab Series - Throwdown (0:54)
Body Jab (1:07)
Slow BTL to Cross (1:24)
Week starting November 18th
Shooting - 1,2,Off,Thru (before session) (0:55)
Pickups - wide (Adv) (1:05)
Pickups - hug + react to coach (Adv) (0:40)
Med ball hit + up & under (Adv) (0:29)
Competitive finishes - no dribbles, 2 steps (Rec) (0:22)
Competitive finishes - no dribbles, 1 step (Rec) (1:01)
Competitive finishes - 1 dribble, 1 step (Inter) (0:56)
Competitive finishes - BTL, 2 steps (Inter) (0:28)
Competitive finishes - BTB, inside hand (Inter) (0:46)
Driving stance - Partner reactions (Rec/Inter) (1:24)
Driving stance - Cone slides (Rec/Inter) (1:03)
Driving stance - Cone slides + hand switch (Adv) (0:58)
Shooting - backpedal (1:09)
Shooting - hop + turn (1:02)
King of the hill (0:51)
Gate drill (0:46)
Post 1 on 1 (1:44)
Downhill 1:1 (Rec/Inter) (0:56)
Downhill 1:2 (Advanced only, instead of 1:1) (1:16)
Week starting November 25th
Triangle ball handling (0:54)
Box push BH (1:10)
Shooting - Scoops (0:55)
Triangle shooting (1:20)
Ball reversal (4:50)
Ball reversal 1 on1 (0:54)
Week starting December 2nd
Wrap shooting (0:35)
Speed stops + lifts (1:18)
Box 1on1 shooting (0:46)
L competitive shooting (0:37)
Back pedal partner shooting (0:50)
Shooting off a flare - shot fake + shot (1:10)
Shooting off a flare - One dribble pull up (0:52)
Shooting off a flare - Throwdown + step back (0:42)
1on1 off a curl (0:56)
Downhill - In & out (0:25)
Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
Downhill - Cross jab (0:23)
Cross jab + BTL (0:51)
Cross jab - read (0:29)
1v1 Downhill (0:08)
Week starting December 9th (rec/inter)
Med ball wars - 1 step, outside hand (0:56)
Med ball wars - 1 step, inside hand (0:32)
Med ball wars - off two, outside hand (0:21)
Med ball wars - jump stop, floater (0:34)
Med ball wars - 1 dribble SS shot (0:54)
Shooting - thru rip light read competitive (0:40)
Shooting - thru rip light read (0:50)
Retreat - drop (1:33)
Retreat - BTL or cross (0:31)
Retreat - shot (0:35)
Retreat - live 1 on 1 (1:45)
Week starting December 9th (adv)
Retreats breakdown - drop + SS behind (0:55)
Retreats breakdown - punch drag + thru retreat (0:53)
Retreats breakdown - thru bound + jab hop out (0:43)
Retreats breakdown - thru bound + jab cross step out (0:51)
Retreats - SS behind + retreat + drop (1:27)
Retreats - punch drag + thru retreat (0:56)
Retreats - thru bound + jab hop out (0:54)
Retreats - thru bound + jab cross step out (1:18)
2v1 curl (2:09)
2v1 pop (1:06)
December/Jan camps
Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 (0:39)
Copy of Ball handling - Pocket series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket, Thru (0:41)
Copy of Ball handling - Drops & Split BTL (1:02)
Copy of Ball handling - Dribble Step Timing (DST) (1:14)
Power finishes (0:44)
Step Throughs (0:34)
Step Arounds (0:34)
Power finishes 1v1 (0:33)
Copy of Shooting - One hand flow (0:53)
Copy of Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (could do this or off then on) (1:20)
Copy of Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
Copy of Shooting - Forwards / backwards hops (2:28)
Copy of Live 1 on 1 - Downhill (0:08)
Shooting - 3x off hand dribble + scoop OR split BTL + scoop (0:53)
SS plus lift (1:18)
Exchanges (1:14)
Triangle shooting (1:00)
in and out (0:25)
Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
1v1 Downhill (0:08)
Block 1v1 (1:01)
Elbow 1v1 (1:17)
Hip 1v1 (0:39)
Lane 1v1 (0:48)
Weak hand 1v1 (1:13)
Rondo Finishes - Hesitation (0:56)
Rondo Finishes - Step Through (0:44)
December/Jan Elite camps
Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 (0:39)
Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Pocket series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket, Thru (0:41)
Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Drops & Split BTL (1:02)
Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Dribble Step Timing (DST) (1:14)
Copy of Power finishes (0:44)
Copy of Step Throughs (0:34)
Copy of Step Arounds (0:34)
Copy of Power finishes 1v1 (0:33)
Copy of Copy of Shooting - One hand flow (0:53)
Copy of Copy of Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (could do this or off then on) (1:20)
Copy of Copy of Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
Copy of Copy of Shooting - Forwards / backwards hops (2:28)
Copy of Copy of Live 1 on 1 - Downhill (0:08)
Copy of Shooting - 3x off hand dribble + scoop OR split BTL + scoop (0:53)
Copy of SS plus lift (1:18)
Copy of Exchanges (1:14)
Copy of Triangle shooting (1:00)
Copy of in and out (0:25)
Copy of Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
Copy of Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
Copy of Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
Copy of Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
Copy of 1v1 Downhill (0:08)
Copy of Block 1v1 (1:01)
Copy of Elbow 1v1 (1:17)
Copy of Hip 1v1 (0:39)
Copy of Lane 1v1 (0:48)
Copy of Weak hand 1v1 (1:13)
Copy of Rondo Finishes - Hesitation (0:56)
Copy of Rondo Finishes - Step Through (0:44)
Battle Lines (0:51)
Drop shooting (0:30)
Misdirection shooting (0:40)
Wrap Shooting (0:35)
L competitive shooting (0:37)
Euros (0:56)
Spins- (1:05)
Scissor step (0:35)
Slow BTL (0:55)
New section
No limits session plan 16th Dec
Shooting - Speed stops off the catch (0:46)
1 on 1 shooting off screens (1:10)
Med ball upper snatch (0:47)
Med ball under snatch (1:17)
Med ball crossovers with under snatch (0:37)
Med ball hits + medicine ball swipe (0:54)
Med ball escapes + medicine ball swipe (0:32)
Med ball reactions + medicine ball swipe (0:34)
Medicine ball swipe + tennis ball reactions (1:33)
Medicine ball swipe + tennis ball reactions (coaching) (0:45)
1 on 1 arm swipe (0:54)
Swing step high pick up (1:01)
Swing step low pick up (0:49)
Med ball swing step (0:37)
Swing step Rip light hand read (1:01)
Low pick up (0:38)
Hug pick up (0:46)
Low hug pick up read (1:13)
1 on 2 (1:10)
Copy of Shooting - One hand flow
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